The Five Technologies for the Next Five Years

David Pogue,New York Times Technology Writer Featured Speaker Illinois Technology Conference for Educators <These are notes from the presentation and are not the reflections and ruminations. These, I will post within the week> These are five broader technologies which will cause serious societal shifts. Voice Over IP (VOIP) Internet Telephone. Phone Company not involved – $20 per month for calls anywhere Need Broadband connection No taxes or fees. Federal Government hasn’t found out Carry your number. It doesn’t matter where you are. Geography does not matter. Will give you second number in area code that you want. Every feature know […]

I have become that person

After years of attending conferences, armed with an open mind, a blank notebook, and a good pen, because I did not want the technology to get in way of the thinking and pondering I would often do during presentations, I have become the person who sits with laptop balanced precariously on my lap, with my iRiver t10 recorder around my neck capturing the precious thoughts, blogging the notes for all to have access to. I am now sitting and waiting for David Pogue to talk about the five technologies for the next five years at the Illinois Technology Conference for […]

21st Century Strategies for Staff Development

This is a presentation by Charlene Chausis, the District Staff Technology at Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Vernon Hills. She was awarded with the Illinois Technology Teacher of the Year this year at the Illinois Technology Conference for Educators. I have heard her previously and have always learned something new from her. You can also occasionally catch her in the chat room of the Women of Web 2.0 webcasts on Tuesday evenings. This is blogged during the presentation. She started off by making an interaction and making staff development fun. She gave us clues and suggested directions so that […]