Last week, my summer downtime ended and I began working in earnest to prepare for the beginning of the school year. I had a great summer, but I have to tell you that I love the beginning of the new school year. Everything is new and fresh, the evenings become a bit cooler and it begins to get darker sooner.
The beginning of the school year allows for new starts. Everyone’s energy has been recharged. New teachers are arriving with great ideas and expectations, excited by the possibilities and not burdened by the old traditions.
We are working on making sure that all of our network accounts have been updated and added. I am really excited about the possibilities that this year will bring. While I have been neglagent about taking the time to reflect, I am taking this new beginning to set the goal of setting aside time at least twice a week to share experiences and ideas. I hope to dust off the multiple drafts that I have started and ideas which have been peculating over the past few months.
Welcome back to those of you in North America who are also getting ready for the influx of new people, ideas, and energy. This is going to be an awesome year.