One of the tools that I have and enjoyed is Inspiration. I have used this product since 1989, when a forward thinking local school system purchased it for its teachers and I had to train them on how to use it. I have always been a visual thinker, which is one of the reasons that I loved my Macintosh computers and why I think that tablet technology is an increasingly interesting tool for users. The ability to create diagrams and then simply create outlines, the ability to export a series a diagram into a web site were some of the […]
Category: k12online07
21st Century Research – The Dilemma (Humor)
Yesterday, I overheard two seventh graders in the library, chatting about the research project the they were conducting searches online at a table. The first student said, “Don’t forget that we were just asked to include a print source for our research project.” At this, the student replied, “I have that covered. Mine is Gordon Color. (the name of the printer that they could print to)” Therein lies the dilemma we face as educators.
K12 Online Conference Nearly Over
In what seems to be the fastest three weeks that I can remember, the K12 Online Conference is nearly complete. There are only four presentations left to be posted and then When Night Falls begins. Then the conversation continues, but outside the narrow window of the conference. The challenge remains on how we as individuals are going to sustain the momentum and continue the conversations, sharing our experiences, successes, and identifying our obstacles. For me, it has been a great experience. I am gathering my reflections both on creating my presentation and on helping to organize When Night Falls. I […]
48 Hours Recapped in 5 minutes and 15 seconds
Using my new “toy”, no now being enlightened by Liz Kolb, my new tool, I have created a podcast recapping my thoughts after participating in the first 48 hours of the K12 Online Conference. [kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”150″ height=”76″ wmode=”transparent” /] Technorati Tags: k12online07
When Night Falls – A Call for Participation
With all of the excitement which is being generated by David Warlick’s Pre-Conference Keynote and anticipation of the remaining 40 sessions over the next three weeks, it is difficult to imagine the end of the K12 Online Conference. When Night Falls, the closing event of the conference is looming on the horizon and we are seeking volunteers to make this event a fitting end to what promises to be an outstanding conference. When Night Falls, which will begin on October 27th at 0:00 GMT. (To see what time this begins in your time zone – World Time Conversion) As night […]