21st Century Learning Summer Book Recommendations

One of  my favorite shows on the webcast I co-host, 21st Century Learning, is when Alex, arvind, and I discuss which books we are going to try to read over the summer. Today, in our last show for the year, we recommended the following 21 selections in 25 minutes. We hope that you will enjoy

Now You See It:How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Play – Cathy Davidson (Vinnie)
This book is the ISTE Independent School Special Interest Group Selection. A discussion on the ISENET Ning and #isedchat tweet chat will be held July 26th.

Mind, Brain and Education: Neuroscience Implications for the Classroom – edit by David Sousa (arvind)

Be Excellent at Anything – Tony Swartz (arvind)

Why Calories Count -Marion Nestle and Marion Nesheim (Alex)

Talking Back to Facebook – James Steyer (Vinnie)

Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes are High – Kerry Patterson (arvind)

Influencer: The Power to Change AnythingKerry Patterson (Alex)

Evernote Essentials – Brett Kelly (Alex)
This book also highlighted in one of the books I enjoyed, The $100 Startup by Chris Guillibeau

You Are A Writer – Jeff Goins (Alex)

Imagine: How Creativity Works – Jonah Lehrer (Vinnie)

Start with Why – Simon Sinek (arvind)
From the TED Talk by the author

Leading from the Middle – NAIS article

Coaching Conversations – Linda Cheliotes and Marceta F. Reilly (arvind)

Results Coaching – Karen Anderson, Vicky Dearing, Edna Harris, and Frances Shuster (arvind)

Getting Things Done – David Allen (Alex)
My first exposure to the webcast was in 2006 when Alex and arvind were discussing this book

Without Apology – Greg Calder (Alex)

Platform: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World (Vinnie)

Setting the Table – Danny Meyer

Grow, Cook, Eat – Willi Galloway

Wild (From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail) – Cheryl Strayed (Vinnie)

The Good Earth – Pearl Buck (Vinnie)

Parenting Out of Control – Margaret Nelson (arvind)

Facilitors Book of Questions – edited by Tina Blythe (Alex)

Culturematic – Grant McCracken (Vinnie)

In addition to these books, we will be watching Euro-Cup and the London Summer Olympics as well. Enjoy the summer.


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