We All Have Songs, We All Have Stories

Each year, Rives Collins, an associate professor at Northwestern and Master storyteller, and Julie Shannon, a composer, lyricist, and creator of the Christmas Schooner, arrive on campus to share their stories and songs with our Lower School students. As a school, we are steeped with a great tradition of motivating students to create stories. It is in May that we take the time to share the stories that we have created with others. Each of these events and projects t is deserving of reflection. Just this week, we had:

  • Senior Government presentations about emergency procedures
  • Senior Psychology class reflections on the journey through high school
  • AP US History students who have determined the 13 Days that Have Changed American History and creating documentaries to support the selections
  • French 4 students who are creating movies about Le Petit Prince
  • Fifth Grade students who are creating documentaries about the Indian and Chinese neighborhoods of Chicago
  • Third Grade students who have used VoiceThread to document their colonial studies
  • A celebration on how Greg Mortenson has inspired individuals to take action, consistent with our school’s motto of Live and Serve
  • Had Greg Mortenson himself inspire us with his stories and experiences.

Over the next week, it is my hope that I will have the stamina and energy to share reflections on several of these events. They are powerful examples of what students, when given an opportunity and a forum can create. And it is good

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