Impressed by Posterous

At our NICE Mini-Conference and from my webcasting partner, Arvind Grover ( I became aware of I will admit that I have not spent as much time finishing blog posts as I have done in the past. There are several reasons for this. First, there have been many other aspects of my personal life which have required my attention. Secondly, I have a tenancy to write blog posts which I feel are much too long and detailed. I guess it is the function of my age, I want to fully describe what I am writing about.

I have set up a Posterous account and tied it to my blog. Now, by simply sending a quick email, I am able to create a blog post. This means that I will even be able to send a post from my not-so-smart phone. I will be able to clip interesting blog posts and be able to share comments about them. In addition to then having it auto-post to my blog, I could set up my Posterous account to auto-post to my Facebook (a purely underused social site) or Twitter feed (which I already have an auto-feed, which I should probably turn off). 

I like the interface and ease of use of adding new posts via my email. It will be interesting to see if this increases the frequency of my posting. It already has, as this is the second post of my day. The first being a quick reflection on the score I got taking the PEW Are you a Millennial quiz.

Posted via email from Vinnie’s posterous

One thought on “Impressed by Posterous

  1. Now when you get an iPhone then you will find Posterous even more exciting as an option. Both my wife and I are using Posterous blogs for our 365pics projects direction from the phone. If you’re interested my 365 pic posterous is at With the phone I then also post to Twitter and Facebook direct, (and I could choose more too). Neat. :)

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