Please excuse the personal appeal –
World IBD Day, led by patient organizations representing 27 countries on four continents, will officially be celebrated today, May 19, 2010. Patient groups from the United States, Canada, Australia, 23 European nations, and Brazil are working to draw awareness to Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. As part of World IBD Day here in the United States, we’re also celebrating our eighth annual "IBD Day on the Hill," where patient advocates visit Congress to discuss support of important IBD legislation. Here are some fast, easy steps you can take to support World IBD Day:
- Make your voice heard in Congress. If you haven’t already, write your local legislator and urge them to support the "IBD Research and Awareness Act." Research funded by this Act will help not only people with IBD in the U.S., but also worldwide.
- Tweet your support! Follow @worldibdday on Twitter, and Tweet about it, too — don't forget to include #worldibdday in your message!
- Change your Facebook profile picture — find out how at CCFA's Facebook application!
- Think globally, act locally: Get involved with your local CCFA chapter. A great way to start would be to participate in your town’s Take Steps walk!
Thank you for your support — today and every day — of the five million people across the globe who struggle with IBD.
If you’ve seen what the Vrotny family has gone through, you’ll take a few minutes to do this. Making your voice heard in Congress is quick and easy, just be sure to change the text that says [enter you personal blah blah blah]