Construction has Begun

Construction_1Cross posted on Most future updates will be posted there rather than here, with the exception of major milestones.

After a spring and summer of planning and purchasing, the sounds of drills are announcing the official start of the transformation of our new Innovation Lab.

The crew today is beginning to work on updating the ventilation system in the lab. This upgrade will provide for better airflow within the space. In the middle of the room, you will also see the new ceiling tiles which will also be installed in the space.

Additionally, Sheryl Peterson and I have met twice this week to continue to develop the new curriculum and units for the new STEAM curriculum which will be added to our middle school student’s schedules. We are really excited about the changes, both the physical environment and the new exciting opportunities that we will be able to provide for Quest students.

I hope to begin regularly documenting the progress of the space during these last four weeks before our first day of school on August 26th. Come back regularly to check-in (to and watch this space and others around campus unfold.

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